Pool Tables, Video Machines, and Juke Boxes Lessor
About Us
C&M Darts began in 1984 as Orlando’s supplier of imported dart supplies and accessories from England.
As Electronic Darting became the fastest growing indoor sport in America, we expanded into the Dart Machine and Dart League Industry to meet the growing needs of the Sport.
C&M Darts has been providing amusement equipment to local bars, taverns and restaurants in the Central Florida area for over 30 years. We lease Electronic Dart Machines, Pool Tables, Digital Juke boxes, Golden Tee Live Golf games, Video Games, Cigarette machines and ATM machines. We offer the most technologically advanced equipment available today.
In addition to providing equipment, we also provide the ability to attract and keep new customers through organized league play and promotions. C&M Darts currently runs one of the largest electronic dart leagues in the Southeastern United States. Our dart leagues and players are sanctioned through the National Dart Association, an international association promoting standardization of the sport of electronic darting, and Partners Promoting Darts, a group of progressive promotion oriented amusement machine companies from across the Nation.
As founding members of the Florida Association of Soft Tippers we organize and run the Florida State Dart Tournament held each year in the fall season. Our league players participate in local league play, National Remote league play, the International Team Dart Tournament in Las Vegas, the Florida State Dart Tournament and the PPD Tournament of Champions in Kansas City.
C&M Darts isn’t just about darts. As Charter Holders of the Valley National 8 Ball Association we run VNEA pool leagues and provide standardized pool league play for all our locations. Another avenue for promotion is with the Golden Tee Live Golf games and Silver Strike Live Bowling games. We run Silver strike bowling leagues and can help you design Golden Tee Live Gold tournaments and contests for your location.
C&M Darts provides the latest greatest equipment, the best service and the utmost support for our valued customers. Contact us today to find out how you can become a C&M Darts location or a C&M Dart League player.