Pool and Dart League
For those interested in playing remote dart leagues through the PPD can watch this tutorial for assistance in getting it set up.
4 Person Score Sheets
2 Person Leagues Score Sheets
2 Person Handicapped(Including Most In House Leagues)
Monday Cricket C Division
Sanford Tuesday Open
Kiwis In House Thursday Dart League
Roque Pub In House Dart League
Billabongs In House Dart League
Tip A Few In House Dart League
Garage Bar In House Dart League
Valley 8 Ball Division
Valley 8 Ball Division
Monday Cricket C Division
Tuesday 2 on 2 Open Division
Tuesday 2 on 2 C Division
Sanford Tuesday Open
Wednesday 2 on 2 A Division
Wednesday 2 on 2 B Division
Valley 8 Ball Pool League
Friday Mixed Division
Thursday 2 on 2 D Division
For averages needed now click on the link below to look up the persons average on the PPD site
Name | Average |
Adams, Jackie | 5 |
Adams, Paul | 7 |
Anderson, Bob | 8 |
Anderson, Nick | 7 |
Anderson, Todd | 8 |
Anderson, Will | 6 |
Bailey, Clay | 7 |
Bandy, Brian | 7 |
Barbarossa, Corey | 7 |
Barnett, James | 8 |
Beltre, Jonathan | 7 |
Bills, Joe | 8 |
Bordonaro, Frank | 7 |
Bray, Brandon | 8 |
Burch, Alisa | 5 |
Cardell, Ronald | 8 |
Carron, Maryellen | 9 |
Carter Jr, Allen | 6 |
Cartmill, Travis | 6 |
Choyce, Debbie | 6 |
Clifton, Thomas | 9 |
Cole, John | 7 |
Collins, Tavorris | 6 |
Colon, Iran | 6 |
Cyphers, Kyle | 8 |
Detommaso, Lenny | 7 |
DiBartolo, Jerry | 7 |
Edwards, Troy | 7 |
Epperhart, Rudy | 8 |
Ferpes, Joe | 8 |
Flowers, Jeremy | 7 |
Franklin, Eric | 7 |
Fred, Walter | 8 |
Gardner, Kevin | 6 |
Gold, Herman | 8 |
Harmon, Bryan | 7 |
Harper, Vince | 8 |
Henry, Edward | 5 |
Hernandez, Alex | 9 |
Heyward, Artemus | 7 |
Hickey, Roger | 8 |
Hollis, Lenny | 8 |
Holton, Lori | 6 |
Hunter, Mike | 8 |
Hunter, Travis | 8 |
Jiannoni, Tony | 7 |
Johnson, Norma | 7 |
Johnson, Rickey | 7 |
Jones, Kate | 5 |
Keegan, Nick | 7 |
Kelsay, Shawn | 8 |
King, Michael | 6 |
Lacombe, Bob | 9 |
Langdon, Susie | 6 |
Lazada, Tony | 7 |
Lee, Brandon | 6 |
Lee, Mel | 8 |
Longino, Alex | 6 |
Ludwig, Chad | 9 |
Lytle, Earl | 9 |
Lytle, Tracy | 7 |
Machesney, Steve | 8 |
Mayer, Kaitlyn | 7 |
Morgan, Ashley | 5 |
Morris, Kim | 6 |
Morrison,Kyle | 6 |
Ortiz, Jose | 8 |
Ost, John | 8 |
Palama, Paul | 6 |
Patch, Jeff | 6 |
Patterson, Duwanni | 7 |
Pedrosa, Jared | 9 |
Phoenix, Jordan | 6 |
Poore, Rick | 7 |
Raverty, Lucas | 6 |
Ray, David | 7 |
Reeder, Carrie | 7 |
Reeder, Scott | 5 |
Reynolds, Visha | 6 |
Richardson, Phyliss | 6 |
Rodriguez, Carl | 8 |
Samuel, Joseph | 8 |
Santana, Jose | 9 |
Schrupp, Melvin | 9 |
Scott, Brandon | 7 |
Secor, John | 8 |
Sefick, Rob | 9 |
Siltanen, David | 7 |
Simpson, Brad | 8 |
Slater, Steve Slats | 9 |
Stafford, Stacy | 8 |
Steel, Dave | 8 |
Stephenson, Ron | 8 |
Stokes, James | 8 |
Stoney, Akheem | 7 |
Stripp, Billy | 7 |
Thompson, Shayna | 6 |
Tramel, Dennis | 8 |
Vega, Frank | 8 |
Villegas, Antonio | 7 |
Vinson, Danny | 7 |
Walton, Clay | 9 |
Ward, Sherry | 6 |
Watkins, Terry | 8 |
Wells, AJ | 7 |
Wells, Chris | 9 |
White, Joe | 6 |
White, Terry | 9 |
Williams, Magic | 8 |
Young, Jay | 6 |
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Partners Promoting Darts (PPD)